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Margarida,perfeita para caber num bolso,e para conseguir ocupar um livro.Gosta de tudo que faça reviver as boas memórias,mesmo deixando-a triste por um momento.

True love never dies.


Sometimes you have to be apart from the people you love,but that doesn't make you love them, any less. Sometimes,you love them more.

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Original layout by Yani Lavigne
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#116 terça-feira, 26 de julho de 2011 >>19:20
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"They say that good things take time
But really great things happen in a blink of an eye
Thought the chances to meet somebody like you
Were a million to one
I cannot believe it, whoa
You're one in a million
All this time I was looking for love
Trynna make things work that weren't good enough
Till I thought I'm through, said I'm done
Then stumbled into the arms of the one"

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